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12 Simple Tips For Making Your Skin Fresh And Radiant

Trusted Health Products
Written By Elizabeta Kuzevska / Reviewed By Ray Spotts

If you take a good look at yourself in the mirror and are not satisfied with the picture you see, you may want to do something about it.  Since your skin isn't going to behave as you'd like it, would it not help if you could find some beneficial ways to change all that? Having a fresh and radiant skin tone is the dream of every man and woman. Yes, believe it or not, men also crave having a better complexion too. Well, help is on the way and with that, some great news for you too. You could do that with these simple tips for making your skin fresh and radiant. 

Stay with us and learn how you can give yourself a quality makeover and an at-home facial as well as a how-to practice for a healthy lifestyle, all of which will give your skin the freshness and beauty you've always wanted.

Simple Beauty Tips For Making Your Skin Fresh And Radiant

1) Cleanse

Cleaning your face is the first step toward healthy and beautiful skin. It is best if you always clean your face first to remove all impurities and makeup from your skin. Remove eye makeup with a makeup remover. Put your cleanser onto the surface in a circular motion and clean your skin gently in small circular motions.

2) Exfoliate

Exfoliating is an important step. It removes dead skin cells which clog and block pores. Because of that, your skin can get all the benefits those moisturizers and serums we love. If you don't exfoliate your skin correctly, you will have dry, flaky skin without its youthful glow. Always put the exfoliator on your skin gently in small circular motions.


Toner will tighten and close pores and make your skin supple and soft. Remove your exfoliator with the toner, which is appropriate for your skin type.

4) Moisturize

Moisturizing is a crucial step for making your skin fresh and radiant. Great moisturizer adds protection and activeness to your complexion. Always buy moisturizer appropriate to your skin by age and skin type.

5) Eat antioxidant-rich food to make your skin fresh and radiant

Yes, what you eat can affect your skin's glow. Load up on grapes, berries, and nuts like pecans and walnuts that are rich in polyphenols such as ellagic acid and resveratrol.

6) Detox your body

With detoxification, you can improve your overall health. Before you start with detoxification, talk to certified health care professionals. They will find a detoxification program that works for you. When you eliminate the toxins from your body, your skin will be beautiful, healthy, fresh, and radiant. Skin conditions appear when you have many toxins in your body.

7) Try coconut oil

Use virgin coconut oil for making your skin fresh and radiant. It rejuvenates, restores and heals damaged skin. Coconut oil also helps to destroy free radicals because it has excellent antioxidant properties.

8) Get your daily dose of vitamin B, C, and E

Vitamins for skin are so essential, particularly vitamin C, which is the key to achieving bright skin. According to some studies, when you take vitamin C and vitamin E together, you can increase the skin's ability to protect itself from sun damage. Vitamin B increases blood flow to your cells and decreases the skin's redness and irritation, making your skin fresh and radiant.

9) Suck on an ice cube

Sucking on an ice cube causes an increase in circulation resulting in more rosy-looking, plumper skin. Try this and see the results.

10) Try juicing

Prepare fresh juices every day with fruits and veggies. Eat all nutrient-rich superfoods by juicing such as broccoli, kale, spinach, chard, rainbow, celery, cucumber, ginger, and beets. In this way, your skin will be fresh and shiny.

11) Get some beauty sleep.

Sleep affects your mental and physical well being.  This will, in turn, lead to fresh and radiant skin.

12) Homemade face masks

You can make homemade face masks according to your skin type too. Use these natural products in homemade face masks for making your skin fresh and radiant.


It can help to get rid of acne, cleanse the skin, and make your lips look more prominent.


The minerals in honey help the skin by regenerating cells and making you look younger. If you use it regularly, it can help prevent wrinkles.

Olive Oil

One of the most effective tools to keep skin young is olive oil. It does not cause allergies, and just one drop in the homemade face mask is enough to prevent wrinkles, hydrate the skin and keep your skin fresh and radiant.


Tomato slices work wonders for dry skin. After just 20 minutes, they can help your skin look younger through hydration as well as get rid of inflammatory processes on your face.


Lemon is an excellent tool for whitening, cleansing acne, and getting rid of skin blemishes. It leaves skin toned, soft, smooth and generally healthy.


Potatoes tighten the skin and help eliminate lines and wrinkles. Put fresh slices on your face for 15 minutes for a younger and more beautiful look.

Now you have a choice - look again in the mirror and to be not satisfied with the picture in front of you or apply these simple tips for making your skin fresh and radiant. If you choose to follow these tips start applying them now!

Looking for 100% chemical-free, all-natural nourishing face and body oils? Check out Earth & Elm Nourishing Face Oil and Earth & Elm Nourishing Body Oil. Subscribe to our Trusted Health Club newsletter for more information about natural living tips, natural health, oral health and skincare. If you are looking for more health resources check out the Trusted Health Resources list. 

Written By:

Elizabeta Kuzevska is an owner of the healthy living blog She believes that we all need to take care of our health. Most importantly, she urges everyone to be an active participant in his or her health and well being in a truly integrative way.

Reviewed By:

Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at

Photo by Hichem Dahmani on Unsplash

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